173 emails awaited me... that is actually not too bad considering I had not checked them since mid-March (the 14th to be exact). On my never-ending-laundry-list-of-things-undone is to reorganize my email subscriptions. I subscribe to an abundance of crafting blogs. They're my inspiration... in my dreams, this blog will be what theirs already is.
I've had this blog for several years. Last year I invested in creating the design for it (about $150) with every intention of utilizing it more often - at least once a week was my goal. Along with working on my creative endeavors once a week, then photographing them, then posting them here and bragging incessantly of how my unique creations came to be so that my many readers (currently 1 and that would be me) can be so inspired as I am inspired by those I read...
oh, ~sigh~ I'm still not there yet!
On the positive side, my creativity hasn't stopped, and I'm quite good @ capturing it, but I'm terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE at displaying it.
And, apparently, terrible, just terrible, about keeping up with those that inspire me.
Currently, I've reduced the 173 to 119... and I'm fearful I'll just need to delete the rest and start a-fresh this week. Which, by the way, TODAY, Easter Sunday, is an EXCELLENT day to renew oneself with positivity and re-establish some goals. Thanks to some inspiring words from the great and fantastic John Schuerholz, I am in a mind frame of renewal and recommitment and optimism and hope. I may have lost my way - uh, lost my New Years Resolutions focus - but I haven't given up actually achieving all my goals. So, today I'm recommitting myself to this blog, to this part of my life - the creative side of me - and I'm getting back in the saddle (office chair), taking the reigns (laptop) and stepping out on Faith. Cannot think of a better day to come up with this decision.