Tuesday, July 17, 2012

aaarrrggghhhh!!!! The ATELIER!!!

My "work in progress" continues to be a work in progress...  will the atelier EVER be finished???

It is slow going with me filling up 2 of these AWESOME Thirty-One totes to haul stuff two flights of stairs (you'd think I'd lose weight or tone up some muscles, but I ain't seeing any of  either yet!)

Here is the new space, just the bones of it.  I'm concentrating on getting moved in, then I'll work on getting it spiffed up.

I'm realizing I've got alot of aspirations for this room...  this is my paint cabinet (bought @ a flea market & made fom metal peg board - so GREAT for hanging lots & lots of stuff on!!!)

GardenRidge bookcases bought many years ago, one now flipped on top of the other - perfect sized cubbies for my scrapbook albums & pages (eventually, this will be my scrapping bookcase - right now, it's kinda a catch-all as I slowly move in)

Industrial shelving makes up my work table & my back credenza - underneath storage, storage, storage!  Yay, right???  That's my hope, anyway...

At some point, I'm expecting an organized wrapping station.  Needless to say, there is no need for me to EVER buy another roll of wrapping paper again.  Ever.

Aaaah, clever me!  A cardboard shoe organizer from my college years (yes, it's been around THAT long & is still "together!") - I use this to organize my wrapping tissue.  Um, just like my wrapping paper, I have no need to ever buy anymore.  Well, not for a very long time anyway.

The white table & bench seating I inherited from my grandmother - I love this so!  Every now & then I'll need to SIT, so this is definitely going to come in handy.  Love that I will have this in THIS room!  So much of my creativity comes from my grandmother & I think of her often when I'm dabbling.  Miss, miss, miss her!!!

Snatched up the 12x12 paper racks from an online yardsale for $20.  As I've attempted to load paper, I've realized this proably isn't the best spot, but for now, it will have to do.  Again, once I'm fully moved in, I'll figure out where to final put things....

My craft cubbies for project organization & other things (tbd).  The copper mailbox was an impulse buy from Marshall's.  Still don't know what I'm going to do with it!

More wrapping supplies - bows & ribbons in the blue box & drawers, tags & things to the right.  Really wanting an consistent look at some point.  We'll figure that out later!

A-ha!  Picked up this "sprig" years ago because I thought the colors were pretty.  Have tucked it here & there through the years & just realized: THESE are my room colors!  It's become my color inspiration.  The grays match my walls & steel shelving PERFECTLY!  Sooooo inspired now!

***** UPDATE *****
ANOTHER inspiration!!!  The craft cubbies (by JetMax) on my back credenza will be the perfect organization for me!  So fortunate they were on sale 40% off @ Michael's last week.  I picked up a few more AND I got another 40% coupon to use this week if I decide I need more.  Wish me luck in getting them put together at some point this week & being one step closer to getting this room together:  I am on a roll!!!

Here's an inspirational photo from the JetMax website:  Doesn't this look LOVELY????


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